Calder White

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Get to know me

I never really had a timeline of the things I did, so I decided to finally make one! Have fun browsing through random things I have done in my life. Near the present the list may be incomplete with things that are still cooking :).

Age Date Thing
21 January, 2024 Worked for Tensor, the #1 NFT exchange on Solana (and #2 in the world). Helped them scale their systems to process $3B of volume a year with an engineering team of 3 engineers, 2 cofounders, and 2 interns. Also went a little viral on twitter [1, 2, 3].
21 October, 2023 Started a quantitative trading club called “Grand River Trading”. Grew a highly curated community of quant traders, researchers, and engineers. Running meetings, events, tech projects, and more. 40 strong and always adding more. These folks enrich my life and I will do everything I can to enrich theirs :)
20 July, 2023 Got my name in the Operating Systems textbook used by the University of Waterloo & many more institutions, “OSTEP” (Operating Systems Three Easy Pieces). Read the entire book front to back, made notes, and quizzed myself on the notes while I was studying over the summer. Notes are public here: Got put in the acknowledgements for some minor edits.
20 March, 2023 4th place in the midwest region for Citadel’s “Terminal” AI game competition. Won $1500.
20 March, 2023 Placed 32nd / 8000 teams in IMC Prosperity. 10 days straight, 24 hours a day of coding quantitative trading algorithms and manual trading challenges.
19 January, 2021 Brief stint with UW Blueprint building software for charity. Worked with the Canadian Children’s Book Society to create a book review platform.
18 January, 2020 Started a crypto mining business. Built custom DCF models for GPUs that accounted for resale value, mining profits & power efficiency. Used these models to buy GPUs that were underpriced, mined on them and eventually sold them all for a profit before ETH transitioned from PoW to PoS. More than doubled my money in about 4 months.

If only I had put more money into it… Had tons of fun doing it though and was an amazing first experience in both trading & running a business.
16 2018 Started learning Mandarin! 很多人问:“为什么你学中文?”。然后我说:”我有很多中国朋友 :)“

I eventually stopped learning to read & write in favour of accelerating my speaking and listening ability. I have found that speaking mandarin has deepened my connection with my peers and brought me great happiness in my life. I plan to continue learning mandarin for the rest of my life.

I had two amazing teachers. My first was Zed Li, and my second Cindy Zhou. I owe them so much for their time and dedication in teaching me the nuances of Chinese and especially its standard form, 普通话.
16 2017 Built ROBOTS!!! Fabricated PCBs from scratch using acid. Programmed PIC chips using PIC Basic Pro & fabricated skeletons out of wood & metal in the wood & machine shops. Built a sumo bot & a firefighter. Top of my class in both years.
16 2017 Won local & regionals for the ECOO Programming Contest. Made it to the finals where my team placed 13th in the province.
15 2017 Won a few more prizes at hackathons like THacks 2 & Hack the North. Made lots of friends and had tons of fun :)
15 2017 Organized JAMHacks! 200+ participants for 24 hours with $10k+ in sponsorships. Member of the organizing team & eventually lead organizer over my 3 years on the team.
15 November, 2017 Hacked GitHub! My first whitehat hack with a bounty payout and some cool swag.
15 July, 2017 Started working in tech. Worked at SSIMWAVE (acq. IMAX), a video quality-of-experience company with proprietary algorithms to evaluate video quality. Founded by the creator of SSIM. Worked there for 2 years during highschool.
14 April, 2016 Won my first hackathon, JAMHacks! ~200 participants.
13 2015 Found out you could do coding as a job!?!?? Decided to learn everything there was to learn about development so I could get an internship like some other students in my future highschool.
12 2014 Started coding. Played around with scratch & Minecraft logic gates. Eventually found the Javascript scratchpad in Firefox and the rest is history. I don’t think I have every enjoyed something in such a pure and unadulterated way in my entire life. Every function & command I learned brought me so much joy.